Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Got Hope?

 Photo by Chelsea Keechle with digital alterations by yours truly
Even the tiniest pin prick of light at the end of a long, dark tunnel can get most people through the most dismal of times.

Hope can be a very good thing, but like dreams, hope alone won’t make things happen.

I’ve hoped for many things in my life. I even managed to get quite a few of them. I did not get them because I sat around hoping they would happen.

I got them but because I got busy and made them happen.

But today, I am going to be a hope dope.

(This Image shamelessly stolen from the web )

I’m going to hope for things that should happen, but I have no real control to make them happen.

Today I hope for:
(This Image shamelessly stolen from the web 
from someone else that probably stole it first)

I know, World Peace is a real beauty pageant kind of answer. But really, wouldn’t that be nice? Actually, it would be nice if we could all just get along in our own neighborhoods!

I also hope for:

Maybe political liability. Wouldn’t it be nice if our politicians were really considering the best welfare of the majority of the people? It seems most of them are taking care of the few rich contributors and corporations that got them there.

On  a more personal level, I hope that:

…I can make more time to travel and take pictures.

… all my favorite old bloggers will find their way here so I can stalk them once again. (and by old, I don’t mean actual age, but all those fine people I used to subscribe to way back when on MySpace) 

…someone actually reads this and leaves a comment!

I also hope that everyone is doing fine and feeling well.

What do you hope for?

This blog was written for 
I'd leave a link but you have to join to see anything


  1. What I would hope for is unrealistic. I do however, hope that someday I have hope again. How's that?

  2. When I think of hope I think of going for something and never giving up. Its crazy on how kids these days just wanna quit and gve up because their life sucks. So one day I hope that a kid can learn that life isn't what you have been through its how you can turn your life into much more positive than negative! Don't ever give up. Too much out there for one another. Belive me I know this from experience.

    1. You are proof positive about never giving up hope. You're doing fine despite all you have been through.

  3. Political responsibility? a wise man once said... "Hope in one hand and..." Never mind....

    I hope all our old blogging friends find you too because you are way too good to keep to myself! And lots of new blogger friends too... ;-)

    1. I'm trying to subscribe/follow/stalk as I read others blogs.
      ..and I know all about that "other hand"; it ALWAYS fills up faster!

  4. I always love your BLOGs Lee. I dream and visualize your hopes also. I hope even bigger; I hope to see a world without money, borders, and religion. That will eliminate the need for war. If everyone would learn to take care of each other, there would not be a need for government, money, war... Chel I am in college and I see a lot of young people with big ideas and dreams, and i think they will bring some change. I always have hope, otherwise, why be here.

    1. Hey Sherry! I finally wrote something! How about that?
      I like your idea of an ideal world. HOPE we can get there!
      I'm still learning blogger and how to hook up with old friends.

  5. Hope is believing in something outside of yourself. When you can give hope to another person by random acts of kindness, you have turned their day around. Perhaps they were at the end of their rope and ready to throw in the towel. And your second of thoughtfulness gave them that tiny pin prick of light where they may have had none. Life is too short to be grumpy and nasty and negative, whether if it is to yourself or especially if to another person. A challenge to all reading this: Be someone's pin prick of light today! It's so much better than being in the dark. Luv, Your Sis.

    1. Life is definitely too short to be negative.
      Nice challenge too!
      I always try to be a prick, haha!

  6. I hope that everything you hope for comes your way. Enjoyed your post and thanks for dropping by mine.

    1. It's nice to get back into blogging again. Thanks for reading and commenting. Some hopes are happening already!

  7. I hope you get your way because regardless if your hopes are beauty pageant flavored, it would still be a better world if everyone would just get along and make the best of this life we are all given. Lovely post on hope!!


    1. I have never been able to figure out why it is so difficult for all of us to get along when almost everyone wants it to happen.
