Friday, August 24, 2012

BFF #16: Moon shot...No. The OTHER kind of moon

Back in the day of film photography, getting a good shot of the moon seemed next to impossible.

Even with some serious "bracketing of exposures" it was a hit or miss kind of thing. The exposures always seemed to bright, to dark, or too blurry. Plus I never had a really long telephoto lens, so the moon always seemed like a little dot in the sky. 

After some practice (say...several rolls of film and the subsequent developing fees) I started to get an idea of where to start with the camera settings, but I never really got a good shot of the moon.

Enter digital photography:
Compose. Focus. Shoot. Immediately check the display to see what ya got.
Try again.

Have I mentioned how much I love digital cameras?  


I still haven't got any great shots of the moon. 

However, I did manage to get one clear, well exposed shot of the moon (still a small dot in the sky-yeah, those telephoto lenses are expensive). The shot itself was boring, so I cut out the moon and pasted it onto what was another rather boring-by-itself photo.

Have I mentioned how much I love my photo manipulation software?


So, without further ado, here is one shot of the boring moon and another shot from the North Carolina Aquarium:

Mr. Crockagator on a moonlight swim
This was written for the Facebook Blogging For Fun Group. 
"Moon shots"
  This group makes me realize I really need to figure out a way to organize and search my 1 terabyte collection of photos! (okay, and get the motivation to actually do it!)


  1. I . absolutely . LOVE . this... Great job, Lee! I also love the digital photo technology. I have to look, but in a recent transfer of my photos from hard drive to disc, it seems that NOTHING ended up on the disc and I already deleted the files. I'm crying b/c I lost hundreds of photos!!! But...gonna look on my laptop and hope my moon file was among those files I transferred, but I don't think so. ;-(

  2. AHHHH! I thought I did that once. I had loaded a ton of photos onto a new storage device. It worked for a week and then all the sudden, I could no longer access it. By that time, I had deleted all the original files.

    It's a good thing nobody was around me at the time, because I wuz lookin' for something to KILL! My handy dandy computer literate son managed to get it working again. I immediately unloaded it and took it back.

    I hope you find them. A digital file is a terrible thing to lose!
    I now keep TWO backups, and try to remember to burn a DVD now and then just for extra insurance. I am about due for that again. Something is bound to happen if I don't do it soon!

  3. Cool shot Lee!! I am so impressed!!


  4. Thanks Kathy. I thought it was a little different.
