The GBE #20 prompt is "LIFE" or "What one small thing could've changed your life forever?"
Things this old man has learned about life
wish I could say that I have learned something new for every day of
my life. Maybe I have, but I really don't remember all of them.
would like to say that I could list one thing I have learned for
every year of my life. Maybe I could, but that would be like 70
things. That would be much too long for a blog.
So, with that in
mind, I am merely going to mention the big ones that come to mind
first. While
some of these are very cliché, there is a reason clichés become
is not fair.
to TV sitcoms and dramas. Real life does not neatly wrap itself up in
half hour or hour increments. Most if the time problems takes days,
months, years, and sometimes a whole life time to reach a resolution.
Usually it just leaves you hanging there wondering “What the Hell
was that all about?”
good guy does not always win.
If life were fair, all the assholes and mean beans would have a very
short life span. “Oops, your bad.” ZAP!
Instead, a lot of
them wind up running our companies, our government, and our lives.
Meanwhile, some really kind hearted people lead lives of deep
All you can do is treat others like you would like
to be treated, and hope the game of life doesn’t kick your ass.
Even when it does, your only recourse is to get up and try again.
Life does not owe you a damn thing.
is easier to do nothing, than to attempt anything at all.
just is. You may never get anywhere or do anything, but it is always
easier than trying. Don’t expect life to hand you anything. Unless
you were born rich, you are going to have to make your own life
happen. Decide what you want. Make a plan. Do it. Which brings us to:
for the best, plan for the worst, work with the changes.
best thought out plans can sometimes take sudden and unexpected turns
towards disastrous results. History, and the evening news, are full
of these occurrences.
Try to think things through, consider all
the bad things that could happen, and make a plan that you think will
get you to your desired end result. Follow that plan and hope it
When they don’t go the way you thought they would, take
a moment and think of the best way to utilize the changes. Then try
to enjoy the result, even if you couldn’t do it exactly the way you
had originally envisioned it.
can do anything with just three things:
determination, and money. Unfortunately, most of us are lacking in at
least one of those ingredients for success.
things are really bad, they can only get better.
when you think things can’t get any worse, they sometimes do. At
some point they HAVE to get better. As the Doors sang “Well, I've
been down so Goddamn long, that it looks like up to me”. Even if
it’s a tiny bit of happiness, enjoy it, hold on to it, because the
reverse is also true;
things are going great, it won’t last.
won the lottery? Business going great? Don’t get cocky. Meet the
tax man, or all your new, desperately needy friends, and that new cut
throat competitor.
Again, enjoy the good times for all they are
will find you when you least expect it or are least prepared for
search can be long and frustrating. Sometimes just showing up for
life is all it takes to fall in the right direction. Love will
usually find you after you have stopped looking and find something
else to fill your time.
are basically the same.
religion, and politics don’t really matter. For the most part, we
all want the same kind of things. The main thing that really affects
people is an abusive or hopeless environment, or the drugs they come
in contact with.
squeaky wheel gets the oil.
person that complains the most, usually gets pacified first. But
sometimes that squeaky wheel just gets replaced. Let your thoughts be
known if it is important to you, but don’t constantly complain
about everything.
usually happen for a reason.
may not seem like it at the time. In fact, you may not be aware of
the reason for years. In some cases you may never know. But there is
usually a reason. It may have even been your own fault.
though, there is no rhyme, reason, or even the slightest bit of
sense. Shit just happens.
it or loose it.
mind and body need constant exercise. If you don’t use it, muscles
turn to flab, and the brain turns to mush. In most things, lots of
practice will make you pretty good at just about anything. I’m sure
the same goes for sex. You just can’t get enough practice for some
do things half assed.
you are going to do something, or anything, give it all you’ve got.
Otherwise you will never be completely satisfied with the results,
and may even wonder why you bothered in the first place.
and Karma have a wicked sense of humor.
to live a life that keeps them on your side. There is a ying yang
full circle of kismet floating around that is just looking for a
reason to mess with you.
easier to tell the truth than to remember lies.
you have an exceptionally good memory. I don’t, so I usually tell
the truth…or at least some semblance of the truth.
that appear to be simple, rarely are.
you never realize it until well after you have committed yourself to
the task.
in life is totally black and white.
are always shades of gray, several sides to any story, and most of
the time, hidden agendas.
is short. Eat dessert first.
may choke on the brussel sprouts and never get to taste life‘s real
and fighting rarely accomplish anything.
that is usually pisses everybody off even more. Agree to
disagree...and then do whatever you felt like doing in the first
place. Which brings us to:
better to apologize than to ask for permission.
least you’ll get to do whatever it was you wanted to do.
The older you get, the more staying home seems like the best plan.
I thought when I retired I would travel (and photograph those places). I thought I would get back to painting, drawing, and/or rebuild my HO scale train layout. The sad truth is, health and money can limit a lot of options. After all these years, my home is just the way I want it. My health ain’t what it used to be and inflation has seriously raced ahead of what I am willing to spend. Comfort is hard to leave.
That was a long! Maybe I did learn something every day!
any words of wisdom to add?