Friday, January 1, 2021

Farewell 2020 and good riddance


As we cautiously open the door, and quietly tip toe into 2021, I think most of us are thinking the same thing: Thank God 2020 is over. I have never been so happy to see a year end.
So…to 2020, I say Goodbye, tata, adios, sayonara, adieu, so long, good riddance and get lost. See ya later alligator. Goodbye crocodile. I’m sure we will be feeling the teeth of 2020 for months to come.

For years I have made a new year’s resolution to not make new year resolutions. It usually works out for the best because, well, old dogs, new tricks and all that.

So…in lieu of making resolutions for me, here are some things I would like to see happen in 2021.

Even though the events of 2020 were very trying, America as a nation needs to lighten up and get their sense of humor back. I have never noticed so many people getting offended by so many stupid things. Good Lord, 2020 gave us WAY too much time to overthink things. I cannot imagine the TV show “Archie Bunker”, or any old Mel Brooks movie, with all their non-politically correct humor, ever being released today. The public would crucify them. Let’s find our sense of humor again, and maybe a little more compassion while we are at it.

News needs to get back to reporting the news with real facts, not hyper inflammatory headlines designed to boost readership or to fit an agenda. We live in an age where fake news is a tool and can seem to be more likely than some of the seemingly unreal things that actually happen. If I could just get ALL the truthful facts, that would be great.

Politicians, and the whole political machine, need to get back to serving the greater people for the greater good.  Instead of competing for political power and catering to the whims of the wealthy, they need to do what is right for the majority of the people. If the whole political environment needs to be reworked, so be it.

I think everyone should be taxed at the same rate. It should be around 10% of income. If the government wants to grant tax incentives, they should be done at the time of sale.

People that are getting government (our) money for welfare and other programs should be required to pass a drug test to qualify. I also think they should also be required to do some type of service to earn it. The hours worked should be based on minimum wage or less to encourage them to get a real job.

A person should not have to work two jobs to earn a decent living. The 39 hour work week to avoid paying benefits should be outlawed.

Along the same lines, I think our politicians should have to work at Walmart, or in the food industry, for one year. They should have to live off the wages and be subject to the same health insurance. If they don’t want to do this, then we the people should be able to vote on how our tax dollars are used. I’m sure the technology is available to do this.

Car manufactures are making vehicles smarter with features like auto parking, collision avoidance, lane departure warning, and even self-driving features. They have to make cars smarter because people seem to be getting dumber. All this technology and 75% of people are too lazy, to inconsiderate, or to stupid to use their turn signal or turn on their headlights in snow and rain. I think cars should be made with nerf bumpers so you could just push the stupid, inconsiderate jerks off the road. It would also be nice if schools and parents could teach common sense and consideration for others. This would go a long way to ease a lot of current problems.

It is called the UNITED States. Gun laws should not change from state to state. The same laws that are in effect on the east coast should be the same as the west coast, and all points in between.

Anything on the internet that requires more than two clicks to read should be outlawed and the abusers burned at the stake. (So much for compassion, eh?)

What changes would you like to see?