Monday, October 19, 2015

The Halloween Nut

Yes, I confess. I am a Halloween nut.
I have been for a very long time. 

I’ll save the history of HOW it all began for another time.

This time I want to share some of the props that have been added to “the collection” over the years.

When I first became interested in Halloween beyond the “let’s throw on a costume and fill pillowcases full of candy” phase, there wasn’t a Halloween store in every empty building in town.  If you were lucky there was a Kresges, or similar department store nearby. It was the only place where you could buy a hard plastic mask with an elastic strap.  If you wanted anything beyond that, you had to MAKE it. That should give you an idea of how long I have been a Halloween Nut.

These are some of things I made for Halloween. I’ll start off with the stuff we used this year. The idea this year was to make scenes that people could step into and have their photo taken, or take a selfie.
Frankenbabies! This years theme was BABIES since the Halloween Party was also the gender reveal of my oldest sons baby

photo in a coffin

graveyard scene

wolfman photo op in use

Of course there is a working electric chair. A flip of the switch starts flashing lights around the chair, a loud buzzer and a strobe light. Loud and fun!

The dungeon door. Added this door to the "Chapel of Love" styrofoam rock arch.

Krazy Klown Kar.

Monster Under the steps scene one

Monster under/ at top of steps scene two

Witches helper scene

Skeletal Mom
Some Wedding Themed Scenes
Styrofoam Chapel of Love arch; "Till death do us part!"

Wedding Congratulations Halloween style

Wedding in the graveyard
And some miscellaneous other props used through the years.
Ya gotta have a graveyard fence...and a gate.

Haunted house front: About 10' high and 12' wide.

Graveyard Golf

Operational guillotine. A light shines on the head of the victim (any willing party goer). When the blade comes down (with a loud bang) that light goes off and another light shines on the body. The effect is that the persons head disappears in the shadows. You then pull a head from a basket and hold it up. This one requires an operator. We have to actually strap peoples arms down, because the tendency is to throw your hands up to stop the blade. This one is scary-especially after you have heard it come down!

Some early styrofoam headstones. Made before you could buy them at the local Spirit store

A fancy casket. Always meant to add motion to his one. Both lids open.

An old style casket. Originally from a stage prop for a Frigidaire sales meeting Circa 1977 or so.

casket ground breaker. styrofoam headstones behind

Pumpkin head. Freestanding. About 7' tall.

A nod to Tom Hanks in "Big". Originally made for the Carnival of Death themed party

Fluffy! About 4' tall with pose-able arms and legs. Carved out of rigid foam with wood arms and legs.

Giant spider. About 8' wide. 2" PVC pipe with trash bag body. This one has reflectors for eyes. I later added eyes made from plastic glasses and added tea lights in them.

We also did a "Carnival of Death" themed party with games for the kids, but I think this is enough photos for one blog.

What are some of your favorite Halloween decorations?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Westward Ho trip: Boonville Missouri

On day two of my Westward Ho trip,  I get up and take a short drive to Boonsville, Missouri and check out its historic district. It’s an interesting little town with some nice architecture. 

I manage to spend a few hours taking photos of the town, mostly at the visitor center which is in an old railway depot. Always a sucker for those.  


I stroll up and down a few streets admiring how buildings and houses USED to be built. There are quite a few interesting buildings and a cool bridge which seemed to be being repaired. 

Small towns always seem to have some quirky little thing or two.

I'm guessing they didn't have to pay too much attention to that sign:

I stop at a little corner café and snarf down a tasty breakfast before heading back to my truck.

After breakfast I hit the road and head West again.